What is God teaching you? What are you learning in your walk with Christ? In what ways are you making progress in your own spiritual life?
Welcome to the SoulFire Revival Center Young Adults Ministry! This ministry consists of ages from 19 to 29. Our mission is to help this age group grow into a deep lifelong intimate relationship with Jesus. During these years of life, it can be a struggle in finding our identity in Christ, struggle in deciding what to study for to lead a successful life, or struggle in knowing which career path to take, but no matter where we are in our spiritual journey, we all need to grow in our faith and our understanding of who God is and who He says we are. Different types of events will be hosted, such as Bible Studies, Outreaches, Fellowship Nights, Worship Nights, and much more. More than anything we believe in making disciples and being disciples, this is the Great Commission. As the body of Christ, we will be in unity to share the love of Christ and grow into a deeper understanding of His Word.
Revival is here! Young people are rising up to take their place as leaders and Holy Spirit filled fire-starters. As we commit to the training and equipping of our students, we will see the greatest revival in history spread through our youth groups, our schools, and our cities! Authors include Tom Crandall and Rory Helart, the Pastor and Associate Pastor of Young Saints Student Ministries at Bethel Church in Redding, CA.