01. spirit-ledJOHN 16:13
[LET THE LORD LEAD] We speak, pray, and worship prophetically as we welcome spontaneous moves of the Holy Spirit in every gathering.
02. encountersACTS 4:31
[EXPECT OPEN HEAVENS] We act in radical faith believing God for corporate breakthrough, divine guidance, and daily miracles, signs, and wonders.
03. freedom3 JOHN 1:2
[YOU MATTER] We prioritize spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical balance and wellness through inner healing and personal ministry.
04. authenticity1 CORINTHIANS 12:12
[EMBRACE UNIQUENESS] We actively host a creative atmosphere that encourages people of all personalities, gifts, and talents to thrive through diversity.
05. growth2 CORINTHIANS 9:10
[LEVEL UP] We encourage progress in friendships and relationships, spiritual advancement through discipleship, and leadership development.
06. honorHEBREWS 13:18
[KINGDOM VIRTUE] We treat people in a way that aligns with the love of Christ, a spirit of wisdom, and their God-given identity in every situation.
07. communicationCOLOSSIANS 4:6
[SPEAK IT OUT] We believe transparent conversations provide the feedback needed to accelerate in our relationships, responsibilities, and divine purpose.
08. empowerment1 TIMOTHY 2:2
[LAUNCH LEADERS] We entrust people with ambition, discipline, vision, and teachability to lead and serve in areas of ministry they are passionate about.
09. excellenceCOLOSSIANS 3:23
[GIVE YOUR BEST] We aim to excel in our gifts, talents, and areas of responsibility with a willing heart, pure motives, and humble commitment.
10. servanthoodMATTHEW 20:28
[LIVE LIKE JESUS] We give generously of our time, effort, and finances as we work towards the advancement of the Kingdom in our church, region, and beyond.
OUR VISIONSteward A Kingdom Culture Of RevivalTo be the church that displays the love of Christ and connects with people from all walks of life through our spirit-led services, fellowship, outreach, school of ministry, and discipleship. We aim to equip believers for practical daily ministry by helping them discover the gifts and talents God has gifted them with. We accomplish our mission by creating an environment where people feel accepted, loved, and encouraged to pursue intimacy with God.
OUR MISSIONLove God, Serve People, & Make DisciplesTo have a united Body of Christ who has torn down denominational walls between church buildings and has come together to serve the community, share the Gospel, and make an impact. The goal is to have our local churches filled with worshipers and prayer warriors who are prepared to call forth revival of the Kingdom of God in their region. To have a church where saints and sinners, rich and poor, and young and old, feel safe, welcomed, and loved.